Cedric Martinez net worth is
$18 Million

Cedric Martinez Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family

Cedric Martinez was born in Paris, France to an unknown father, and had a turbulent childhood. However, he earned a degree in Chemistry from the University of Grenoble by the age of 20. He then went on to become one of the most sought-after commercial and print models in Europe due to his jaw-dropping good looks. A resident of London for over a ... 
Net Worth$18 Million
1Fluent in English and French.
2Has a degree in Chemistry from University of Grenoble.
3Worked as a high fashion model throughout Europe.


The Fairbank Hotel2003ShortBellboy
The Quiet Garden2002ShortBoyfriend


The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills2010-2011TV SeriesHimself

Known for movies
