Lasting a decade and airing 236 episodes, 'Friends' was bound to run into some questionable storylines.
Perhaps the most frowned upon had to me Rachel and Joey's short-lived relationship towards the final seasons. In fact, Matt LeBlanc and Jennifer Aniston themselves didn't feel good about the arc either.
Relationships can be hard to pull off, especially on a show that features six regulars, which such a close relationship.
Looking back, Phoebe and Joey getting together would've made a lot more sense, given the fact that they were free souls when it came to their relationship lives. However, despite their status, the show decided against have them get together.
Surprisingly enough, the two had actually pitched a certain romance angle, though the show's creators weren't interested.
We'll take a look at what that storyline was all about, along with the main fan theory as to why the two beloved stars never got together on the show.
An Idea Was Pitched Towards The End Of The Show
Although it wouldn't have been a popular option, there was a chance of all the friends ending up together at the end of the show.
Matt LeBlanc did admit alongside EW that a storyline was proposed for towards the end of the show.
Matt pitched the idea of Joey and Phoebe having casual intercourse on the regular, without their friends knowing.
"Towards the end, we actually pitched the idea that Joey and Phoebe had been having casual sex the entire time. We’d go back and shoot all the historical scenes and just before a moment that everyone recognizes, there’s Joey and Phoebe coming out of a broom closet together. But they were like, ‘Nah."
It could've made quite the moment, and given that it wouldn't be serious, it may have worked out for the better.
Though the show creators chose to make their paths separate towards the end, and turn Joey into more of a father figure alongside Pheobe, like at her wedding.
Off the set, the two were just as close. LeBlanc played a huge role in restoring Kudrow's confidence in portraying the character.
"He went, 'You're her. Relax. You got it. You’ve been doing this f****ng character for three years. You’re working too hard. That’s your problem. You don’t need to work as hard. Relax. "He was right!"
A special connection they had and still have.
Though when it comes to their romance, fans have some popular theories as to why it never went down.
Better As "Friends"
Rachel and Ross was an ongoing romance throughout the ten seasons of the show. Chandler and Monica would also get together, creating a bond nobody saw coming in the early seasons.
Now according to the most popular opinion on Quora, it was necessary for the sanctity of the show's title to keep certain connections as just, friends.
"I think the only couple that kept the sanctity of the title of the sitcom was this couple, I am all up for Joey and Chandler's friendship too but there was a time when Joey felt left out after Chandler got married, but there was never a dull moment with Joey and Phoebe. The time when Phoebe was the best friend anyone could ever have."
"Without them, F.R.I.E.N.D.S would become all flooooppyy."
The popular opinion is that everyone getting together would've been too much. Though fans believe that if there was a relationship that made the most sense on paper, it was Joey and Pheobe.
"I personally believe out of all the possible pairings that could've been made within the group, Joey and Phoebe are the best. I will, of course, justify my opinion."
Fans suggest that they had a stronger connection, given that they didn't know the group in high school. Also factor in their silly ways, along with never beefing with anyone in the group.
Maybe the theme on the show was "opposites attract", according to one of the Quora users and for that reason, the two didn't share a romantic relationship.
We can all agree, imagining the pair together is interesting, though it all worked out for the best.
Some fans might argue that they would've rather seen Phoebe end up with David, though that's a topic of conversation for another time.
As for Joey, given his history on the show, it only made sense that it ended while he had no serious love interest.
Sources: Quora, EW, Twitter, and Bustle